Winning Opportunities

PS5 Bundle
Get it; before you regret it!
10% discount coupon on offer for all tickets sold in 1st 24 hours.
Coupon Code: EQV7AA4E
Close date: 2nd October 2024.
read our promises!
#ps5 #charitydonations #wesupportyou
“Our Promises To You”
1) You will always have 1 in 98 chance to win!
2) All net proceeds are donated to charity
3) YOU choose the bundle and charity!
4) We draw the competition regardless of sell out!
5) If we sell out early we draw early!
T&C Apply!
Our Current Charity Beneficiary
London's Air Ambulance
London’s Air Ambulance is the charity that delivers an advanced trauma team to London’s most seriously injured patients.
Using a helicopter from 08:00 to sunset, and rapid response cars at night or in adverse weather situations, London’s Air Ambulance brings the hospital to the patient when time is critical.
Congratulations to our past raffle draw winners